I've been evacuated from Oman, and am working remotely for U.S. Embassy Muscat from home, "home" being a house in Monterey where Camille, Stefan, and I are sitting out the bad months of the pandemic, however long or short that may be. I've recently created some new graphics for our social media platforms, and have had some time to reflect on projects I've had the pleasure to work on during my two years in the Public Affairs Section in the position as Assistant Cultural Affairs Officer. I thought now would be a good time to share! So, most recently, I've done some end-of-Ramadan greeting cards and graphics for our social media platforms. If you want to see a classic case of too many bureaucrats stirring up a social media feed, you can check us out here.
So I did these these Ramadan closure graphics in two colorways and let our chief of section decide which one she wanted to use. The design gives me a peaceful, easy Eagles feeling, which am hoping comes across during a time when we are all stressed out.
This was the card I had designed earlier that the Ambassador sent out. I ended up liking the lanterns design for the closure graphics even better--and I prefer the gold colorway, which I totally resisted. This little project is a really good example of me being pushed to do work that I already thought was fine, and ended up doing something I liked even more after I thought I was done. What do you think? Does that ever happen to you?
The embassy social media team is doing a sort of "ramadan from where you are" campaign (at least I think that's the campaign? I dunno, I'm not currently the lead. I just do what I'm told, which was to send a photo.) I used some of the same Hajar mountain imagery on my silly sign. These mountains in Oman are so distinctive. Blessed Ramadan to you and yours!